Economy Poker Game

An economy poker game that simulates the world economy, we will use poker club app.

Each player will choose a country they want to represent and the winning country will be posted on this page after the event

Economy poker night will be hosted on the club LMS peace fest on the app poker club ( available through App Store) . Games will follow traditional Texas hold ‘em rules without additional settings (explained below) with a buy-in of 2,000 chips (starting amount 1500 + daily bonus 500) and a table maximum of 9 players excluding myself. These games will continue until all but 1 have lost their chips , eliminating them from the tournament. No money will be exchanged, only a simulation.

Game this Saturday May 16, 7-8 pm




by Treston Stehling, 8th grade

It has a LGA 1150 motherboard, since they are readily available and cheap, and an i5-4670k, with a GTX 1050 Ti, I since those processors are known to be overclocked to insanely fast speeds, and those graphics cards can handle basic VR applications.

Every 10 years, we will upgrade the box with a processor and motherboard two generations behind current, and a new graphics card to handle the new applications whenever the older ones become laggy. Innovation is incorporated, as without technology, I would not be able to make the Peace Box. This will benefit my project, and as more advanced technology becomes cheaper, I will be able to make the simulation experience even better. I would have always wanted to do this, and thinking of computers made available to developing communities has given me an idea to make a compact, impact resistant box with a screen and keyboard built in.  

A board game for the globally minded

A board game for the globally minded


To me peace means that there is no fighting and stuff and that we are all on the same page. Everybody has a different thought of what peace means to them because everybody should have their own thought unless their minds are being controlled by someone else.... hahahahaha (probably the best theory)

Peace means a lot to me, it means harmony, loving, and a community. Many people don’t care at all for peace. They only want to win, when people brag or boast they create fights and those “fights” turn into a war that can break a friendship or a relationship or even a cause a war between the world. Peace probably means things different to other people because those people have gone through different experiences than me.        

Peace is very much like love it cannot be contained by force, everyone can obtain peace. But I think peace isn't just that but much more, I believe that the only way to show peace is by emotions and you express emotions in art. In conclusion art is peace. But when you look at peace in the full picture it symbolizes freedom, love and care.

- MA


What I wanted and did for my project was to spread awareness about the peace festival and peaceful messages and pictures of people being kind and helping other people, so yes i spread awareness on social media, on instagram and i also spread the word by telling all of my family and close friends.’

— William Salgado


What NASA is doing during COVID-19

Ms Garza created these slides to highlight what NASA is doing during COVID-19. Click on the images below to view the slides.

Life as a MUN teacher!

With: Ms. Maja
By: Camille Phillips

May 8, 2020

Welcome everyone to this year's PEACE FESTIVAL NEWS!! This year we will be talking to Ms. Maja about her life as a MUN teacher. Let’s go! 

Ms. Maja has been a teacher for 15 years. She has taught at Lanier for 12 years. She originally taught as an english teacher when she first came to Lanier. Then as the school transfered to becoming an IB school she was asked to be a tech teacher and then a MUN teacher. Her favorite thing about being an MUN teacher so far is the imaginary countries that we have done in class. Her favorite thing about Lanier is how nice the teachers and students are and how safe our school feels. Ms. Maja is very excited about this year’s Peace Festival. She is most looking forward to seeing how everything came together. She wants everyone to see how well everyone is working together. 


What Peace is to me

By Santiago King  R4

Peace is defined by the dictionary as freedom from disturbance or a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. This is pretty accurate but there is more to it such as what people have tried to accomplish to get there in real life and I will tell you what it is to me.

In history empires had one goal, to control all. It may sound bad but really sometimes It has worked out for the better. For example the Romans were one of the most powerful empires of all time. They may have had to resort to violence to get that way but it paid off for them in the height of their empire, the pax romana. It lasted for about 200 years and brought peace for this empire. Though they inevitably fell, all their work was to keep peace for all.

For movies almost always it is about the balance of War and Peace. For example in the movie Star Wars the galactic empire represented peace because they


wanted absolute control on everything and everyone. The rebellion was represented as peace because they wanted to end the empire for the freedom of worlds.

In conclusion what peace is to me is the mold of mankind to become what we are today, beings struggling for peace.

What you can do to help and second project, made scrunchies to raise awareness on social media

In our MUN class I discussed colonialism, specifically, the different experiences felt based on the regions and the colonizers. I will discuss the long term effects of the actions and attitudes of the colonists. In the second part of the video, I will discuss how Africa has progressed since its freedom using different nations as examples. I will highlight how they utilized their locations and natural resources to increase their wealth and how some are luring outside business versus creating their own. To conclude the video, I will bring to knowledge China’s interest in Africa, why it might be such enticing ventures, and the doing term consequences a Chinese dependent Africa could have on world politics and economics.

Corona primer

All about friendship (bracelets)


Social Media awareness campaign executed
by our students


Mr. Garrett’s poem for peace he chose for
our event